
Participation in the first Balkan Trans and Intersex Pride

от 18.04.2022No Comments

On the eve of Trans People’s Visibility Day, 31 March, Paul Naidenow, President of Bilitis, and representatives of the informal group of trans activists T.I.A,

equality, non-violence and non-discrimination against trans and intersex people, but also demanding clear opposition to rising nationalism. The march was held under the slogan “My body – my temple! My identity – my business!”

“Trans and intersex people, as well as their friends from the Balkans, and from across Europe, came together to raise their voices in demanding respect for their human and civil rights,” commented Paul Naidenov, adding the famous quote “if you do not respect my existence, you must expect my resistance.”

participate in Balkanski Trans Inter Marš – The first Balkan Trans and Intersex Pride took place today in Zagreb, Croatia.

В марша се включиха над 300 участници от Балканите и Европа, оптравяйки послания за равенство, ненасилие и недискриминация срещу  транс и интерсекс хората, но и настоявайки за ясно противопоставяне на нарастващия национализъм. Маршът премина под слогана “Моето тяло – моят храм! Моята идентичност – си е моя работа!”

“Транс и интерсекс хора, както и техните приятели от балканите, и от цяла Европа, се събраха, за да издигнат гласа си в настояване на зачитане на човешките им и граждански права”, коментира Пол Найденов, добавяйки известният цитат “if you do not respect my existence, you must expect my resistance” (ако не уважавате моето съществуване, трябва да очаквате моята съпротива).

Since 2017, Bilitis has provided support to the informal trans activist group T.I.A. T.I.A.’s mission is to help its members, trans and intersex people, achieve equality and fight discrimination, receive adequate health services, and provide assistance and support for legal gender reassignment based on a person’s self-determination. To find out more about T.I.A’s work and how to get involved, read ТУК.

Bilitis is a member of TGEU – Transgender Europe, the organisation that fights for the rights of trans people in Europe with 112 member organisations in 44 countries. Founded in 2005, Transgender Europe has established itself as the voice of trans people in Europe.