Bilitis Foundation launches a new round of its humanitarian fund to support queer refugees, running from the war in Ukraine. The aim of the initiative is to stand in solidarity with those most in need at this difficult time.
Who can apply?
All LGBTIQ+ refugees or asylum-seekers from Ukraine, based in Bulgaria.
How can we help?
We can support you with vouchers for food and medication as well as cover housing costs. We can also provide free psychological support from LGBTI-friendly specialists. Your application will be reviewed and we will contact you as soon as possible with the results.
Where to apply?
- The following form is open to any lesbian, bisexual or trans women, as well as any non-binary or intersex applicants: https://forms.gle/dac91BYgVrv6NzF18 This call is made possible with the financial support of the Bulgarian Fund for Women.
- The following form is open to any LGBTQI+applicants: https://forms.gle/Yp5yuVhZnAYJyEm16. This call is made possible with the financial support of All Out.
🦄 If you want to help our humanitarian initiatives, make your donation here