
Round table on the project “Children in Focus in Diverse Families”

от 05.04.2022No Comments
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On 13.01.2022, in the framework of a Round Table, a Report on “The best interest of children in the context of modern family structures and foreign practices for social integration of non-traditional families” was presented. The event is part of the project “Children in Focus in Diverse Families”, funded by the Active Citizens Fund – www.activecitizensfund.bg, and implemented by the “Institute of Mediation and Dispute Management” (IMEUS), “Professional Association of Mediators in Bulgaria” (PAMB) and “Bilitis Resource Center” (Bilitis) for the period from 01.09.2021 to 31.12.2022. We remind you that the aim of the project is the establishment of the first Center for Alternative Resolution of Family Conflicts (CARSC), relying on a multidisciplinary approach in finding holistic solutions reflecting the interests of all families

Кръгла маса, децата на фокус

The Report presented and the discussion that followed were dedicated to the best interests of the child, presented through its different manifestations in the diverse families and the legal foundations on which they stand. Good foreign practices in the field were also examined.

Some of the topics presented and discussed were:

  • The concept of “family” and its boundaries;
  • Registered partnerships and de facto cohabitation- problems and limitations;
  • Family conflicts and their manifestations;
  • Legal framework of relationships in diverse families;
  • Good foreign practices for the regulation of relations in diverse families;
  • Suggestions for changes based on the information presented.

The lack of adequate regulation of family relations and inheritance rights in cases of missing marriage and LGBTI partnerships and the non-existent means to overcome the loopholes in the law was highlighted as one of the most serious challenges to securing the best interests of children. In view of this, the understanding was affirmed that alternative means of conflict resolution are particularly appropriate for such cases, which appear impossible to reach a court.

A recording of the Round Table is available here: https://fb.watch/azLeCkSifd/

For more news and updates on the project, keep an eye on the IMEUS, PAMB and Bilitis

The project “Children in Focus in Diverse Families” is implemented with financial support of EUR 50 232 provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism, Active Citizens Fund – www.activecitizensfund.bg, Second Call for Strategic Projects, Empowering Vulnerable Groups.