Community Strength

18 months (dec 2024 – june 2026)
Financed by:
Foundation "Workshop for Civic Initiatives"; European Commission

About the project

The mission of the project is to develop a network of support for LGBTI youth and others perceived as LGBTI by building the capacity of Bilitis Foundation in Sofia and three young LGBTI organizations in the country – Queer Varna, Pogled and Pokolenie Bunt to provide psychological, social and other necessary services to those in need of support, working in partnership with other civil society organizations. 

Goals and objectives

In a context of increased marginalisation and limited access to support, Bilitis will build and expand a support network for youngsters affected by anti-LGBTI violence. This will happen in three steps: 

  • Needs assessment and service improvement: we will conduct a focus group with school psychologists and volunteer psychologists from our online support service LiveWithoutBullying to analyse the most common cases of violence and options for responding in a school setting. As a result, we will expand the team with new volunteers and develop a screening and referral tool for appropriate services.
  • Capacity Building and Network Expansion: Bilitis will establish and strengthen partnerships with 10 organizations working with vulnerable youth to improve access to victim services. We will train the teams of three newly formed organisations – Pogled (Plovdiv), Queer Varna (Varna) and Pokolenie Bunt-Solidaria (Veliko Tarnovo) – in providing comprehensive support to young people who have experienced anti-LGBTI violence.
  • Community mobilisation and sustainability: we will organise events in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna and Veliko Tarnovo to enable young people to participate in the creation of new forms of support.