Connecting the Dots

Project Status:
Implementation period:
24 months (November 2024 - November 2026)
Lithuanian Gay League (LGL); GLAS Foundation; Lithuanian Diversity Charter Association (LDCA)
Financed by:
European Social Fund Agency, European Union

About the project:

The Connecting the Dots project aims to improve access to quality employment and development opportunities for LGBTI young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs). Through one-to-one careers advice, training, mentoring and connecting with inclusive employers, the project helps young people build the confidence, skills and motivation to enter the labour market.

Bilitis, together with its partners GLAS (Bulgaria), LGL and LDCA (Lithuania), is creating an innovative support model that involves both working with young people and raising awareness among employers about the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Project objectives and activities:

The project will support 120 LGBTI NEETs in Bulgaria and Lithuania through three main steps:

  • – Identifying and engaging participants – We will reach out to 200+ potential candidates and select 40-50 youth to receive personalized support.
  • – Career guidance and skills building – Each participant will prepare an individual career plan, receive training support, interview preparation and professional skills building.
  • – Connecting with employers and accessing jobs – We will organize job forums, networking events and internships at LGBTI inclusive companies to ease participants’ transition into the job market.

Through these activities, Connecting the Dots will improve the economic opportunities and prospects of LGBTI youth by providing them with the tools they need for successful careers and financial independence.