

от 05.04.2022No Comments

Радостни сме да обявим, че от началото на м. септември 2021 г. започва работа по проект „Децата на фокус в разнообразните семейства“, финансиран от Фонд „Активни граждани“ – www.activecitizensfund.bg. Проектът се изпълнява с финансова подкрепа в размер на 50 232 евро, We are delighted to announce that the Children in Focus in Diverse Families project, funded by the Active Citizens Fund – www.activecitizensfund.bg, will be starting in early September 2021. The project is implemented with financial support of 50 232 EUR provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism, Second Call for Strategic Projects, Empowering Vulnerable Groups. The main objective of Children in Focus in Diverse Families is to establish the first Centre for Alternative Resolution of Family Conflicts (CARFC), relying on a multidisciplinary approach in finding holistic solutions reflecting the interests of all families. The project is implemented jointly by the “Institute of Mediation and Dispute Management” (IMEUS), the “Professional Association of Mediators in Bulgaria” (PAMB) and the “Bilitis Resource Center” (Bilitis) and has a duration of 16 months – from 01.09.2021 to 31.12.2022..

The focus of the project activities is on the best interests of children in the diverse families of contemporary Bulgaria. Thinking within the framework of imposed stereotypes hinders the possibility of effective implementation of adaptive approaches, taking into account the child’s best interest as the real leading one. The Centre will apply a multidisciplinary approach in finding workable solutions that fully reflect the interests of individual family members, including the specific interests of families from vulnerable groups. Collaboration will be organised between professionals in the fields of mediation, law, psychology and child development to ensure high quality support targeted at couples in conflict.

Within the framework of the Project it is foreseen to study foreign good practices in the described areas, to prepare reports and present them at events held for this purpose, to disseminate information materials. Training of lawyers, mediators, educators and social workers will be carried out in order to develop a sustainable model for the resolution of parental conflicts, and free mediation and psychological support services will be provided to parents/couples.

The partnership between IMEUS and PAMB, whose members successfully built the Children in Focus Judicial Reform Project, is now supported by the participation of the Bilitis Resource Centre, who will share their indispensable experience in protecting the rights of persons from vulnerable groups and overcoming discriminatory views caused by entrenched perceptions.

The pilot activity of the Project also includes researching materials, sending questionnaires to institutions and NGOs from different countries and presenting a report that systematizes working foreign practices for social integration and protection of the best interests of children in modern families at a round table scheduled for early 2022. Based on this, materials for the functioning of the Centre for Alternative Family Conflict Resolution will be developed and the Centre will be fully operational in mid-2022 free of charge to support families in conflict.

Keep an eye on the IMEUS, PAMB and Bilitis website for more news and updates on the Project!